Sarasota is Ready for Spook Night, Are You?
If you are still searching for your costume for the biggest Halloween Ball in Sarasota, you may want to consider being "Gina, the Giant Ballerina." Teegie Hamilton from Baton Rouge, Louisiana created Gina and spent a sleepless night writing the poem. I have permission to share Gina with costume shoppers. Teegie found the accessories for Gina at local flea markets and garage sales so time is running out, hit the road and enjoy Gina's assemble. Oh, and don't forget to pin the poem on your tutu. As you twirl through your jetes, pirouettes and plies, your fellow party goers will be in awe. Gina won the price at the Ball, by the way!
Happy Halloween, make it safe and enjoy!
By Teegie Hamilton
Every night Gina was a ballerina, but every day she was just Gina.
Gina said, "I want to be a ballerina."
Miss Prix, the ballet teacher said, "No Gina, you are too clumsy. To be a ballerina you must have lots of grace. You simply cannot have two left feet."
Gina said LOUDER, "I want to be a Ballerina."
"No," her mama said, "No, Gina, you are bigger and heavier than the other dancers, a ballerina must be slim and as light as a feather."
Gina SHOUTED, "I really want to be a Ballerina."
Her daddy said, "No Gina, you have no rhythm or feel for the beat of the beautiful music. You cannot dance like a ballerina."
Every night Gina dreamed of being a ballerina. Before she went to sleep she posed herself in bed in each position, and then pirouetted off to Dreamland.
Every night Gina was a ballerina, but every day she was just Gina.
Until Halloween!!!!

That day Gina could be anything, and she would be Gina, the Giant Ballerina.
She put on her extra large pink leotard that she usually wore on Sunday. She made herself a big poufy lavender tutu. She put on her sparkly tiara and pirouetted all day long.
She had grace and was as light as a feather pillow. AND she felt the rhythm of the beautiful music in her head and both feet. She soared across the room.
Miss Prix and mama and daddy were wowed!!
Miss Prix said, "Gina, there is a part in the Christmas Play for a giant ballerina, will you pirouette on the stage for us."
And that is the story of Gina the Giant Ballerina who had fun just being Gina, but whose dreams came true as Gina the Giant Ballerina.